This is a bench based loosely on one that was in the front garden of the Copenhagen cottage that I grew up in. The cottage was from the 1920’s and most of the furniture was a mismatch of things from the 20’s right up until the 70’s, but I imagine the bench to be from the 30’s.

The shape was drawn up by hand and cut out with a band saw from reclaimed oregon scaffold planks. The two pieces were joined using a shallow cross lap join.

With three of the legs assemblies made I started to attach the slats. These are just made from ripped down hardwood floorboards that I salvaged from a demolition. Everything is held together with acrylic glue, galvanised screws, and finished off with wooden plugs. Everything then gets a generous coat of outdoor oil.

The shape of the bench is super comfortable, and I made it long enough to lay down on for naps.